Thursday, April 11, 2013

the honeybee's first birthday

Well, it went as quickly as it came. I can't believe it's now been over a year since my sweet honeybee came into our lives. Times have really changed! I have had so much fun getting to know her and loving her more every day... and I must admit that one of my absolute favorite parts of this whole parenting experience has been watching my husband become a Doo. :) The 14 year old John that I fell in love with would be shocked at how his life turned out. I. love. it.

Here are some recap photos from the party on Saturday from my sister's camera. I did not take very many pictures because I was too busy crying over my baby turning 1 hosting a party! Let me tell you- we weren't supposed to be able to even have this little angel. She was a hope for us, not a guaranteed reality. Yet... here I am, writing this post after her first birthday. God is good people, God is good.

ellie thought balloons meant she was dropped in the hunger games.

beautiful, right?

take those banner skillz, etsy
i'm not so sure, Doo-y.
i like the way it feels...
oh hey... this tastes ok

mama, you gotta try this!


in case you can't tell what's happening, Grandma and BeBop got the honeybee a castle. they made all three of us get in it.

i'm done.

and one for good luck.
It was a good day and I slept like no one has ever slept that night. Phew!

I owe Kallah a 5 Things response. And next week I'll post pictures of this weekend's projects. The Naptime Decorator has inspired me and I'm going to paint some hand-me-down furniture to see what it's all about. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

revisiting the blogosphere (or whatever it's called)

I've decided to give this whole blogging thing another shot.

My best friend is a super-blogger (and a seriously awesome one at that), my sister has begun her own entertaining ramblings of her adventures in LA and I read literally 3 or 4 blogs-this one being the one I stalked the most- that had nothing extraordinary to say but held my interest earlier today. 

So I'm back! (in my mind I say this in the voice that Kid President has when he says "AND IT HURT MAN!")

And I'm changing it up a wee bit... I'm just going to write whatever happens to be on my mind for any given day without worrying what you people living inside the computer happen think of me. 

There's a lot going on around here these days...including but not limited to a certain baby girl getting ready to turn 1, a particular brown dog trying to share her food, toys and shenanigans with said baby girl, and a husband who deserves to have his ridiculousness plastered all over the interwebz. Then there's me, whose life revolves around those 3 and the messes they make, laundry they produce and their bellies that need to be fed. 

This blog is going to be a chronicle of my little girl (whom I will affectionately refer to as my sweet honeybee), my quirky brown dog and my hilarious husband (whom I will affectionately refer to as Doo-y. Pronounced like 'dewy.' No that's not his name, but that is the name that we gave him instead of "daddy" for same strange strange reason that I will never understand but don't hate).
 I will not try to write perfectly and edit my words and sentences to make myself sound eloquent (if it happens, I'll be a-ok with it). I'm just gonna be me. If that ain't yo style brotha, move on. No sweat off my back.

Here goes nothin'.